#!/usr/bin/ksh93 # # xorg_proc_package_list.ksh - get list of packages used by Xorg process # # # set -o xtrace set -o errexit set -o nounset # # builtins&vars # builtin cat typeset s1 typeset s2 typeset -a a1 compound c=( integer xorg_pid typeset -a mapped_files_ar typeset -A package_list ) c.xorg_pid="$(pgrep Xorg)" c.mapped_files_ar=( $( cat "/proc/${c.xorg_pid}/maps" | \ sed -r 's/[[:xdigit:]]+?-[[:xdigit:]]+? [rwxp-]+ [[:xdigit:]]+? .+? (\/.+?$)/\1/' | \ egrep '^/' | sort -u ) ) for s1 in "${c.mapped_files_ar[@]}" ; do s1="$(apt-file search "$s1" 2>'/dev/null' || true)" [[ $s1 != '' ]] || continue # apt-file can return multiple results, one per line # we stuff them into the array a1 here and then # process them one-by-one IFS=$'\n' a1=( $s1 ) IFS=$' \t\n' # restore printf $"# apt-file %d results\n" "${#a1[@]}" for s2 in "${a1[@]}" ; do # extract package name s2="${s2/~(El)(.+?):.+/\1}" # add result, use package name as index to eliminate duplicates c.package_list["$s2"]="$s2" done done # # debug data # print -v c # # print results # printf "# Package list:\n" printf "%s\n" "${c.package_list[@]}" # EOF.