- #!/usr/bin/ksh93
- #
- # Build Debian RT kernel from source,
- # and retain the kernel build including source and *.o
- # files so we can build custom kernel modules from
- # that
- #
- set -o xtrace
- set -o errexit
- integer num_cpus=$(getconf '_NPROCESSORS_CONF')
- # mkdir try5 && cd try5/
- tar xf /usr/src/linux-source-5.10.tar.xz
- cd linux-source-5.10
- unxz </usr/src/linux-patch-5.10-rt.patch.xz | patch -p1
- cp /usr/src/linux-config-5.10/config.amd64_rt_amd64.xz .
- unxz config.amd64_rt_amd64.xz
- # copy config and make kernel build accept it without
- # jumping to the $ make menu # menu
- cp config.amd64_rt_amd64 .config
- make oldconfig <'/dev/null'
- make clean
- time nice -n 19 make -j$((num_cpus*2)) deb-pkg 2>&1 | tee -a buildlog.log
- print '#### Finished!!'
- # EOF.
Build Debian kernel manually from source
Posted by Anonymous on Thu 10th Mar 2022 11:51
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